Jun 12, 2022
Welcome to Hillsong Africa Online! We are so glad you joined us today.
Want to connect with our team today? We have a team ready to connect with you via Zoom at 9.30am (SAST) + 11.30am (SAST) Our Zoom rooms will be open for 30mins.
Do you need someone to pray with you? Zoom link: https://hillsong.zoom.us/j/99532531113?pwd=TlVEWFBjTnNvbGZiNXZiYjRaZUVRUT09 Meeting ID: 995 3253 1113 Passcode: 0413135160
Made a decision to follow Jesus and would love to know what your next steps are? Zoom link: https://hillsong.zoom.us/j/91865530871?pwd=VnhDejZRcjNTMGNTZlJIdlZsM0lHdz09 Meeting ID: 918 6553 0871 Passcode: 9546673013
NEED ANY LINKS FROM TODAY'S SERVICE? You will find everything you need to know here: https://hillsong.com/southafrica/online/ There is so much happening in the life of church, go to our website to find out more: hillsongafrica.com